🚀Web Offerwall

Integrating ClickWAll Offers offerwall into your website is a quick and simple process, follow this guide, it just take few minutes

Quick Info :

Deliver personalized incentives and rewards to your users through ClickWAll Offers flexible Offer Wall. Our offerwall seamlessly adapts to any screen, displaying targeted, translated ads based on user device and location.


Obtain your placement identifier from publisher Dashboard, Determine your unique userId and use the following code to integrate :

Without Values :

Make sure you replace [App_ID] with your placement identifier and [USER_ID] with your unique user id.

<iframe style="width:100%; height:800px; border:0; padding:0; margin:0;" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" src="https://clickwall.net/app/iframe/[App_ID]/[USER_ID]"></iframe>

Last updated